
What Statement Can Be Used To Handle Some Of The Run-time Errors In A Program?

Runtime Errors

Runtime Errors:

  • A runtime error in a plan is an error that occurs while the program is running afterwards being successfully compiled.
  • Runtime errors are commonly called referred to as "bugs" and are often found during the debugging process earlier the software is released.
  • When runtime errors occur after a program has been distributed to the public, developers often release patches, or pocket-size updates designed to prepare the errors.
  • Anyone tin observe the list of problems that they might face if they are a beginner in this commodity.
  • While solving problems on online platforms, many run time errors can be faced, which are non clearly specified in the message that comes with them. There are a variety of runtime errors that occur such equally logical errors, Input/Output errors, undefined object errors, division by zero errors, and many more.

Types of Runtime Errors:

  • SIGFPE: SIGFPE is a floating-point fault. It is virtually ever acquired by a division by 0. There can be mainly three primary causes of SIGFPE error described as follows:
    1. Segmentation by Cipher.
    2. Modulo Operation past Zero.
    3. Integer Overflow.

    Below is the program to illustrate the SIGFPE error:


    #include <iostream>

    using namespace std;

    int master()


    int a = 5;

    cout << a / 0;

    return 0;



  • SIGABRT: It is an mistake itself is detected by the program and so this signal is generated using call to abort() function. This signal is also used past standard library to report an internal error. assert() part in C++ also uses arrest() to generate this indicate.

    Below is the plan to illustrate the SIGBRT error:


    #include <iostream>

    using namespace std;

    int master()


    int a = 100000000000;

    int * arr = new int [a];

    render 0;



  • NZEC: This fault denotes "Non-Zippo Exit Lawmaking". For C users, this error volition be generated if the master() method does not take a return 0 statement. Java/C++ users could generate this error if they throw an exception. Beneath are the possible reasons of getting NZEC error:
    1. Infinite Recursion or if you run out of stack memory.
    2. Negative assortment index is accessed.
    3. ArrayIndexOutOfBounds Exception.
    4. StringIndexOutOfBounds Exception.

    Below is the program to illustrate the NZEC error:


    if __name__ = = "__main__" :

    arr = [ one , 2 ]

    print (arr[ 2 ])


  • SIGSEGV: This mistake is the almost common error and is known as "Segmentation Fault". Information technology is generated when the programme tries to access a memory that is non allowed to access or attempts to access a memory location in a way that is not immune. List of some of the common reasons for segmentation faults are:
    1. Accessing an array out of premises.
    2. Dereferencing Nothing pointers.
    3. Dereferencing freed memory.
    4. Dereferencing uninitialized pointers.
    5. Incorrect use of the "&" (accost of) and "*"(dereferencing) operators.
    6. Improper formatting specifiers in printf and scanf statements.
    7. Stack overflow.
    8. Writing to read-only retentivity.

    Below is the plan to illustrate the SIGSEGV error:


    #include <$.25/stdc++.h>

    using namespace std;

    void infiniteRecur( int a)


    return infiniteRecur(a);


    int master()





Means to avert Runtime Errors:

  • Avoid using variables that have non been initialized. These may be prepare to 0 on your organisation but not on the coding platform.
  • Cheque every single occurrence of an assortment element and ensure that it is not out of premises.
  • Avoid declaring too much retentiveness. Check for the retentivity limit specified in the question.
  • Avoid declaring besides much Stack Retentivity. Large arrays should exist declared globally outside the function.
  • Use return as the end statement.
  • Avoid referencing free memory or null pointers.

What Statement Can Be Used To Handle Some Of The Run-time Errors In A Program?,


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