
Explain How Dimensional Analysis Is Used To Solve Problems

In this page we have dimensional analysis practise issues . Promise you like them and exercise not forget to similar , social share and comment at the end of the page.

Question 1
The air bubble formed by explosion inside water perform oscillations with time period T which depends on pressure (p), density (ρ) and on energy due to explosion (Due east). Institute relation betwixt T, p, Eastward and ρ.

Question 2
The velocity v of a particle depends upon the time 't' according to the equation
dimensional analysis practice problems
Determine the units of a, b, c and d. What physical quantities they correspond. All have SI units.

Question three
Mass of the Dominicus is $2.0 \times 10^{30}$ Kg and radius of lord's day is $vii.0 \times x^{viii}$k. Express the density of sunday. Also explicate why the guild of magnitude of density of sunday is in the range of solids and non in the range of liquids and gases?

Question 4
A physical quantity X is connected from $X=\frac{a{{b}^{2}}}{C}$ . Summate the percentage error in X, when % error in a, b, c are 4, 2, and 3 respectively.

Question 5
Pct error in the measurement of acme and radius of cylinder are $x$ and $y$ respectively. Find the percentage error in the measurement of volume. Which of the two measurements height or radius needs more attention?

Question 6
Orbital radius of mercury effectually the sun is 0.38 A.U. Find the angle of maximum elongation for mercury and its distance from earth when the elongation is maximum.

Question seven
Convert four.29 light years into parsecs. Summate the parallax of a star at this distance when viewed from two locations of globe six months apart in its orbit around the sun.

Question 8
In an experiment, on determining the density of a rectangular cake, the dimensions of the block are measured with a Vernier calipers (with a to the lowest degree count of 0.01 cm) and its mass is measured with a axle balance of to the lowest degree count of 0.1 g. The measured values are Lenght(L) = 5.12 cm, Breadth(b) = 2.56 cm, thickness(t) = 0.37 cm and mass(m) = 39.39 g.How do we report our outcome for the density of the block.

Question 9
It is required to notice the book of a rectangular block. A Vernier callipers is used to measure the length, width and superlative of the block. The measured values are i.37 cm, 4.xi cm, and ii.56 cm respectively.

Question x
2 specific heat capacities of a gas are measured as Cp=(12.28±0.2) units and CV=(three.97±0.3) units. Find the value of gas constant R.

Theory questions on fault assay

Note:- Write all the points you know almost these questions when you write the answers.
Question 1
Define mistake. What are dissimilar sources of errors?
Question 2
How tin we minimize errors?
Question 3
What are the dissimilar ways of expressing an error?
Question four
What is Accented Error? Ascertain the term accurateness.

Question 5
What do you lot hateful by precision? According to you lot are musical instrument of high precision accurate?

Question six
What is relative error or percentage error?

Question 7
What is Parallax error?

Question eight How errors are propagated or combined?

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Explain How Dimensional Analysis Is Used To Solve Problems,


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